Tuesday, May 23, 2017

"Animanipulations" Photoshop Project

Check out this awesome photoshop project by one of my 7th grade students! The project was made using Pixlr (as a free Photoshop substitute) for layering and blending techniques to combine two animals into a new species. After that, we named our new species and made it a logo design!

Digital Self-Portrait

In this lesson, 6th graders learned photoshop editing basics and were able to work from home for free using Pixlr to create their own digital self-portraits. Pixlr is a free to use photoshop equivalent that is great for school work because student can continue to access it and explore it more themselves at home! Check out some of the things Crystal said were her interest and hobbies that made her who she is!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Digital Photomontages Project

In our David Hockney inspired photomontage project, students learned all about Photoshop basics such as resolution sizes, image sizing, canvas sizes, and layering layering layering! 8th graders who really went above in beyond in this project got creative when it came to timing and photo manipulation or were also really considerate when choosing their subject matter.

Here are a few examples from the project, to see more check out my student gallery at BillVaughnArt.com

By Elina

By David

By Kenny

By Long Nam

By Mike
By Jessica

Sunday, May 21, 2017


Check out these fun photos made using Ostagram.ru - a fun resource that lets you create computer generated photo combinations making one photo a filter to be applied over your original. The free version let's you make as many as you want but they take longer and longer to make each one as you go. It's still fun to load up and play around with though! Check out a few of these example combinations I made!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Here's an example of a Google Photos generated creation. The one on the left is the original photo I took and on the right is a suggested filter edit to give it a new look. If you like it you can save it to your photo stream, if not dismiss it and wait and see what Google Photos makes for you next!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Google Photos

If you know me well in real life, you've probably heard me mention Google Photos, then proceed to go on and on about it at some point. Google Photos is one of my favorite Apps & Features and in my opinion is the one thing I feel everyone should have, but no one really seems to know about.

Google Photos is an online storage and synchronization tool, like Google Drive, except it is geared specifically around photos and videos. The thing that makes Google Photos so great is that unlike other online storage spaces like iCloud, Google Drive, or Drop Box - Google Photos can allow unlimited storage space! Now the only "catch" to this is that you allow Google to reformat your images to slightly slightly slightly lower quality, but honestly, I can't even tell the difference between the originals and the Google modified version.

If you are like me you might want some photos to use them for reasons where you need them to remain high quality, like an art portfolio. The way that I manage this, is by taking those specific photos I want to stay high quality, and uploading the originals to Google Drive but also backing them to Photos. This allows for a quick ready view version, as well as a back up of the highest quality file.

I was going to make a video of this myself for Google photos, however I think this video does a great job of explaining the way to maximize your Google Photos use between your computer, devices and phones.

While it might take a little bit of trial and error, I urge you to take some time to play around with it and find out how you want to use it. Google Photos has been amazing in that all my photos are always at hand and searchable in my pocket, and best of all is it's all free!